THE UNHOLY THREE When Messrs Morell, Price and Courlouris took up residence in the world
of horror and science fiction thrillers, they added a considerable touch
of class to the genre.—Richard GordonWhich British actor at the height of his fame was receiving more fan
mail than Humphrey Bogart and went on to play ing more fan mail than
Humphrey Bogart and went on to play Dracula, Frankenstein and Van Helsing?
Name the actor whose films earned Oscar nominations for Best Film three
years in a row in the Forties and then in the Fifties repeated the feat
with three successive British Academy Award nominations? Which actor
can claim to have worked with Alfred Hitchcock, David Lean, Stanley Kubrick
and John Gilling? By the time you finish this book you will find out
the answers to these questions and more as you read about the careers
and lives of Dennis Price, George Coulouris and Andre Morell. |